
Life knows many uncertainties and unknown dangers. But why blindly take risky undertakings if you could learn the will of the gods, ancestors and spirits? And so the people ask them through the solemn ritual of divination.

Contrary to what you’d think, divining the future through the casting of lots is not exclusive to the followers of the old Gods. Although the church in Rome objects, many Germanic Christians still search for the will of God through the old rituals. After all, why wouldn’t He be able to answer them through the old rites? And so divination is in a way more of a cultural than a religious tradition.

Start by gathering three branches. Back then people preferred branches freshly cut from a fruit bearing tree, but for environmental reasons we better stick with some we find on the ground. Remove any particularly large stumps and bumps and then carefully inscribe two runes on different sides of the branches width-wise. These are your divination lots.

Start the divination with an offering and a solemn prayer to the god or saint you are invoking. Clearly state your question of the blessing you are asking for. The larger the undertaking or blessing, the larger the cost of the sacrifice. The Storyteller decides if the offering is large enough for the intended boon.

Throw the lots, identify which runes face upwards, reroll any branches not clearly showing one rune or the other until they do.