The Frisians

The Frisians, they are an opportunistic people. Merchants from the whole known world gather to trade and barter on their beaches, in their towns and in their capital of Dorestad. In turn, Frisian merchants travel the far corners of the world themselves in search of good deals and exotic products. Any sizable town around the aptly named Frisian Ocean has it´s own Frisian quarter to house the merchants, and the local lord or clan leader will do anything to protect and nourish this source of wealth. Even in Rome and faraway Byzantium, the Frisians are a much sought after trade partner, as their good name carries weight and their silver is trusted everywhere. Tellingly, in most countries the word ¨Frisian¨ has become a synonym for ¨trader¨, so prevalent are their merchant ships in any harbor and market square.

Closer to home, however, war and strive are an ever-present danger, as the Frisians are wealthier but considerably less martially-inclined than their neighboring tribes. War is not good for business of course, and this has made them vulnerable. For decades, Frankish armies have tried to take the cities of Dorestad and Trecht, and Saxon raids on Frisian villages and beach trading posts are intensifying for a while now.

Yet High King Redbad has managed to turn the tide. His piles of gold and silver may not be able to fight, but they can certainly hire strong men to do so for him. His armies are composed of experienced Norse vikingar mercenaries and West-Saxon veterans of the Britannic wars, armed with the best arms and armor gold can buy. This seemingly unstoppable force is crushing Frankish forces with ease, chasing them over the Rhine and far beyond the Isla. His cunning and ruthless approach to war is feared, and the faintest rumors of army movement is enough to fill the Frankish kingdoms with fear and trembling.